Sam‘s Shed – You Won’t Believe The Strange Treasure Found In An Old Locked Storage Shed
Today The Detecting Duo go help Terri’s brother Sam explore a old storage shed to reveal sight unseen treasures. A collection of useless stuff with a few really strange and bizarre finds!
00:00 Intro to Sam’s Shed
01:09 Hard Drive Find
01:32 Beta Tapes Find?
02:53 Paint Roller Drips Find
03:08 Hasp Find
03:35 Super Blade
04:59 Cable Find
05:36 Dishes Find
06:25 Sump Pump Find
06:54 Glasses Find
07:16 Fencing
07:35 Old Newspaper and Dishes
09:39 Netting
10:31 More Dishes Find
11:52 A rolling cooler
15:51 A Big, Big Pipe Wrench Find!
16:19 Smith Corona Typewriter Find
18:49 What’s In The Case?
30:15 Scale Find
33:30 Crutches
35:36 Tackle Find
36:07 Quick Wrap-Up
#ShedFinds, #treasurehunting #newthingsnewtech